45year old woman with SOB and generalized odema

A 45 year old woman, laborer by occupation, resident of Nalgonda came to medicine OPD with chief complaints of Difficulty in breathing since 2 hours Generalized edema since 3 months History of Present Illness- The patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 months ago, then she suddenly noticed edema of the feet. She continued to go to work and observed that her swelling has progressed to upper limbs and abdomen and face, Edema was sudden in onset and rapidly progressive associated with pain, started with edema The pain was dragging type, insidious in onset and was throughout the day. Aggravated on movement and supine position. Relieved on medication and sitting. Pain eventually spread to the entire body. 2 months ago she went to a hospital in Nalgonda, where she was told she had some kidney related issue. She took medicine for 1 month irregularly. The edema didn't subside, so she decided to come to KIMS where she was told she has to undergo dialysis. The patient was apparently anxious ...