36 year old women with pain abdomen and vomiting

A 36 year old woman, farmer by occupation, resident of Tirumalagiri came to medicine OPD with chief complaints of
Pain abdomen since 1 month
Blood in vomiting 1 episode 1 day ago
History of Present illness-
The patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month ago and then she developed, pain in the epigastric region, which is of squeezing type, aggravated on consumption of spicy, sour and non-vegetarian foods, sometimes relieved after an episode of vomiting. It is non radiating and no migration of pain. There’s is no positional variation.
She had had over 10 episodes of vomiting, in the last 1 month which is non projectile, non bilious and food as it’s content. Sometimes, early morning retching, induced vomiting. A day ago, she had an episode of vomiting with some blood which is dark brown in colour.
No h/o fever, blotting, constipation, loose stools, cough, shortness of breath, chest pain. No retrosternal burning.
Menstrual history-
Menarche at the age of 13 years
Marriage at the age of 12 years
30 days/ 5
8 pads per cycle
Obstetric History- 3 children
1st boy,by LSCS , now 20 years old
2nd female, by LSCS, now 16 years old
3rd boy, by LSCS, now 14 years old
Tubectomy done immediately after last delivery
Past History-
11 years old, Renal Calculi which was resolved on medication
2 months ago she was diagnosed with renal caliculi, which was reported resolved in the ultrasound scan a day ago
N/k/c/o HTN, DM, TB, Asthma, CAD, Thyroid, Epilepsy
Family History- no significant family history
Personal History
Diet mixed
Appetite normal
Sleep adequate
Bowel and bladder movements regular
Addictions- 250 ml toddy occasionally
Food allergy to gongura, fish and brinjal which was found out 1 year ago after having mild rashes anywhere any body especially hands
Physical examination -
The patient is conscious, cooperative and coherent
Well oriented with time, place and person
No pallor
No icterus
No cyanosis
No clubbing of fingers
No lymphadenopathy
No pedal oedema


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