A 42 year old man with pain abdomen

A 42year of married male, carpenter by occupation, resident of miryalaguda came to medicine OP with
Chief complaints of-
pain abdomen since 5days
Vomiting since 1day
History of present illness-
The patient started experiencing pricking pain in the epigastrium since 5days, because of which he had decreased appetite
He had the same symptoms 1year back for which he was told it was a pancreas related issue and got treated 
No relieving or aggravating factor
No radiation.
He had 2episodes of vomiting on the presenting day which was watery, non projectile
No fever,headache,shortness of breath, burning micturiton and constipation
Past history- 
No h/o  HTN, DM, Asthma, Epilepsy, CAD, TB
No surgical history
Family History- no significant history 
Personal History-
Diet mixed
Appetite normal
Sleep adequate
Bowel and bladder movements regular
Allergy fish
Addiction- alcohol 90ml/day since past 15years 
General examination
The patient was conscious
Well oriented with time, place and person
Cooperative and coherent
No pallor
No icterus
No cyanosis
No clubbing of fingers
No lymphademea
No pedal edema
Pulse 86bpm
Temp- afebrile


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