A 73 year old man with fever and difficulty in breathing

A 73 year old man, who is a retired bank manager, resident of chityala came to the medicine OPD with
chief complaints of
Fever since 3days
General weakness since 3days
Difficulty in breathing since 2days
Loss of appetite since 2days
History of present illness-
The patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 days ago, he then developed low grade fever, no diurnal variation, relieved with medication, not associated with chills and rigor.
Generalised weakness from 3 days.
Shortness of breath since 2days which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive.
No h/o vomiting, loose stools, constipation, pain abdomen, cough
Past illness-
Known case of HTN and DM since 15 years
N/k/c/o Thyroid, Asthma, CAD, Epilepsy
No surgical history
Family Illness-
No significant history
Personal history-
• Married
• Mixed diet
• Appetite normal
• Sleep adequate
• Bowel and bladder movements regular
• Allergies none
• Addictions- alcohol 2 quarters /day
General examination-
Physical examination-
• No pallor
• No icterus
• No cyanosis
• No clubbing of fingers
• No lymphadenopathy
• No pedal oedema
• Pulse- 78bpm
• BP- 120/80 mm Hg


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